Friday, 24 February 2012

Something sweet and hot

...and then I ate it!: Sweet Fire

This a wonderful website with good food ideas and inspirational posts

Something warm from the Zoo

Thursday, 23 February 2012

10 years later

Well 10 years ago I went on a date - a blind date. She was someone I met through work. I was just getting over a bad relationship with the 1st woman I was ever with. I was nervous and excited at the same time. I had the day of so a friend and I had gone shopping and walked around Halifax NS. I met my date at our mutual workplace and started started out on our evening. 

This was a bit of laugh now looking back as we both did not want to make a decision on where to eat , so we spend at least 30 minutes trying to figure out what food likes we had in common. Finally decided to go to a restaurant that was a combination of three food styles Italian /Chinese and deli. It sadly was packed and we could not get a table. So we defaulted to an all night breakfast place down the street. Who doesn't like breakfast anytime of the day? So we ate and talked and found a lot of common ground over omelets and coffee. We of course continued with our discussion at her place and to our friends the rest is history.

We lived together and married each other twice- once because we our commitment to each.other and to.our combined families and the second time when it became legal in NS. 

Here's to 10 years. Happy first date, Wendy 

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

This Spot Wasn’t Part Of The Grammy’s, But Everyone Was (and is) Talking About It! | CHFI

This Spot Wasn’t Part Of The Grammy’s, But Everyone Was (and is) Talking About It! | CHFI

Just thought it is a great commentary on how our food is produced and What are we eating?
Even though this is for a US company - it makes you think about fast food and how our decisions on where we eat our food impacts the environment and the landscape around us.
Cheers to Burrito chain Chipotle for this cute and provocative Ad.

Love from the Zoo

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

New species spotted

News flash . . . New wildlife spotted at the Zoo. Orange in colour and expert at hiding. The elusive Eve cat.
Here are some unconfirmed photos of the creature

Monday, 13 February 2012


Well lots to talk about - I survived the real 1st Ice storm since the winter officially started.

The weather so far this winter has been temperamental - warm - wet - cold snow - back to warm again. So really a typical Nova Scotia winter. We used to get [in the past] weeks of one type of weather - either brittle cold or damp and wet with rain/slushy snow. I mention this because in the last 40+ yrs the weather has changed dramatically [Global warming anyone?]. 
Anyway back to me! This weekend called for storm and as in the past weeks i just ignored it as a lot of hype and expected some small amount of rain to freezing rain that would be melted once the sun broke through the next day. Well NOT SO!

There was this feeling in the air of pause - you know the kind of stillness and heaviness before a storm. The sky was grey and the sun was faint though the grey clouds. Not a bad day with just a bit of rain starting. My neighbour and I were out looking at wallpaper samples and discussing the best paint for metal outside doors. [Brilliant Blue or Ruby Red are my pending choices] We stopped into the MacQuarries on the Esplanade [sounds so high class haha] We go there because it sells milk at the lowest price in town. Really milk prices are crazy and I only put it in my tea, can't imagine families where the kids drink litres of it a day, time to ask for a change in the town bylaws so I can keep a goat for milk!

So what does the price of milk have to do with surviving an Ice Storm. hahaha Well let me tell you!

What do most folks do in a storm, besides curse at the weather because everything is cancelled? They stay home and watch the TV or in my case play MMORPG like RIFT and WOW. The main other thing people do is snack because there is nothing else to do - duh stuck at home. YOU need Milk and snacker stuff - how else are you gonna survive? 

My house AKA the Zoo - not covered in Ice incase the picture was too confusing 

Cute little goats - someday in my backyard?

As Stated above 
So the rain came and the temperature dropped just enough to freeze the little raindrops and it encased my house and yard in layers of Water and Ice. Inside thanks to my almost predestined run to the store, I was drinking copious amounts of tea - with Milk of course - and completing Quests and killing Monsters and Villainous Big Bosses in Virtual reality. But would not have survived without milk for my tea. 

Hey did you think this was going to be about some Journey of Self Discovery in the midst of a full raging winter Ice storm with metaphors about living encased in isolation and not having the warmth of a relationship to keep me centered and then breaking free of my cold sterile space to rejoice in the warmth of friendship and human companionship?

Heck no!! Just me drinking  tea and kicking ass through my avatar. 

For The Horde!!

Direct  from the Zoo 

Friday, 3 February 2012

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Hello and Happy Groundhog Day

Here at the Zoo I am really looking forward to Spring and feeling of renewal that comes with that 1st hint of green and the stirrings of wildlife. This doesnt mean that I am not living in the moment for the remaining days of winter and the pleasures that come with this season.

I will share just a bit - LOL - if you don't mind

Yesterday Feb 1 it was a mild day with little flakes of snow falling softly from the sky. It was a still kind of weather that stirred a yearning in me to take a long stroll and just BE in the moment of peace between  earth and the sky. To have the snowflakes be the connection to the two spaces. I love the quietness that snow brings, where you are the only person breathing in the clean air and having the snowflakes softly melt on your skin. I wandered downtown and of course as it was a work day there were others out running errands and other business.

I saw people that just needed to trudge from one place to the other without regard to the weather and others like me who contemplated the snowy day and seemed to just Be. Crossing the street at an intersection I shared a smile with another fellow journeyer in the snow. We did not have to speak we just stood waiting for the light to change and breathed the same air and let the snowflakes cover us both in serenity for a brief communion with the universe.    

Then the light changes and we parted ways, I hope my companion in thast moment carried the peace of that moment with her for the rest of the day.
Photo from

the simple joy of a snowangel



Life at the Zoo sends peaceful Snowflakes to all